Campus Security Authority


Clery Act Crime Definitions

Jeanne Clery披露校园安全政策和校园犯罪统计法案(Clery法案)的总体意图是鼓励准确的校园犯罪数据的报告和收集,促进犯罪意识和加强校园安全. As part of the Clery Act, certain categories of crime, arrests and referrals occurring at Act reportable locations (see below), are required to be reported in an Annual Security Report (published by October 1st each year).


What is a Campus Security Authority (CSA)?

The Clery Act identifies certain categories of students, 学校的员工, 和承包商作为csa,他们有联邦授权的责任报告他们目睹的或被报告给他们的犯罪行为.

将非执法人员纳入CSA角色的目的是承认一些社区成员和学生, 特别是, may be hesitant about reporting the crime to the police, but may be more inclined to report incidents to other campus‐affiliated individuals.

To review information on reportable Clery Act crimes, 可报告的纪律转介和/或可报告的《全球赌博十大网站》事件发生地点, 请参考 Clery Act Crime Definitions and Reportable Locations. 辅导 have an important role in complying with the Clery Act, which was enacted to help create a safer campus community. 社区服务机构及时报告罪案,使校园有机会检讨是否应发出社区罪案警报,并协助维持准确的罪案数据.

CSA Crime Reporting Obligation

A Clery Act crime is considered “reported” when it is brought to the attention of a CSA, 校园安全 or local law enforcement personnel by a victim, 见证, other third party or even the offender. The crime reporting party need not be Campus affiliated.

而csa只有义务报告在可报告地点发生的符合《全球网赌十大网站》规定的犯罪, 辅导 are encouraged to report all crimes reported to them to 校园安全. 学生事务处下属的学生雇员被指示向其直接主管报告所有非紧急犯罪事件.

如果CSA收到《全球网赌十大网站》规定的犯罪信息,并相信这些信息是善意提供的, 这意味着有一个合理的基础,相信该信息不是谣言或道听途说, 然后, the crime is Clery Act reportable. What you must report, therefore, are reports of alleged criminal incidents.

How a CSA Responds When a Crime is Reported

  • Regardless of your status (CSA or non-CSA), 鼓励所有社区成员及时报告与校园有关的犯罪事件, and other public safety related emergencies, to 校园安全 or law enforcement.
  • If it is not an emergency, CSA应该询问报案的人是否愿意向校园安全部门报告这一事件. 如果他们这样做,那么CSA应该协调报告,并通过电话联系校园安全 507-280-5050 or in person at the Campus Security Office located on Main Campus in room CF102.
  • 在与犯罪报告方交谈时,鼓励csa使用以下陈述:“As part of my position on campus, I am a federally mandated crime reporter for 全球赌博十大网站. I am required to report this incident to 校园安全 for data gathering. If you request confidentiality, the report form will not include your name or that of any other involved individuals. My report will contain only the information you provide. Do you have any questions? Would you like to help me fill it out?
  • 如果报告方是性犯罪的学生受害者,校园安全没有参与, the student shall also be encouraged to contact the Olmsted County Victim Services (507.328.24小时.289.0636).
  • As noted above in the CSA 声明, CSA应该解释,他们是联邦授权的犯罪记者,必须提交犯罪报告用于统计目的,如果报告方希望保持匿名,犯罪报告可以在不确定犯罪报告方和/或受害者身份的情况下提交.
  • 如果CSA有第一手资料/确认报告方已经提交了校园或警察报告, 然后 the CSA is not obligated to complete and submit a CSA Crime Report Form. 然而, if the reporting party says they will file a police report, but the CSA has no firsthand knowledge/confirmation that a report was filed, 然后 the CSA must complete and submit a Crime Report Form. When in doubt, a Report Form should be completed and submitted.
  • 辅导 不应该 调查向他们报告的犯罪或试图确定犯罪是否实际上发生了. 辅导应该及时向校园安全或执法部门报告犯罪行为.
  • csa及时向校园安全报告犯罪是非常重要的,因为报告的犯罪可能会引起校园社区的犯罪警报.

What is done with CSA Report Forms?

校园安全审查报告表格,并确定事件是否需要向校园社区发出犯罪警报/紧急通知,以及它是否属于符合条件的(可报告的)克莱利法犯罪,应列入校园年度安全报告(ASR)。. The Campus Security Coordinator consolidates crime data from multiple sources, reports qualifying crime data to the federal Department of Education, 发布校园asr,并告知校园社区何时何地可以使用asr. 罗切斯特社区和技术学院的asr可以在他们的校园安全网站上找到. Hard copies are available from the 校园安全 office upon request.

How are 辅导 Identified?

The law defines the following four categories of 辅导:

  • 校园安全 personnel and department administrators.
  • 负责校园安全的非警察人员或办公室-社区服务人员, campus contract security personnel, parking enforcement staff, personnel providing access control and/or security at campus facilities, athletic events or other special events, 安全护送人员, residential community assistants and other similar positions.
  • 对学生和校园活动负有重大责任的官员-官员的定义是任何有权和有责任代表全球赌博十大网站采取行动或回应特定问题的人. To determine which individuals of organizations are 辅导, consider job functions that involve relationships with students. 寻找官员(i).e., not support staff) whose functions involve relationships with students. If someone has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, 然后 they would be considered a CSA. Some examples of 辅导 in this category include, but are not limited to: academic deans; student affairs / residential life officials; coordinator of Greek affairs (or related positions); athletic administrators, 包括董事, assistant directors and coaches; student activities coordinators and staff; student judicial officials; faculty and staff advisors to student organizations; student center building staff; student peer education advisors; and administrators at branch campuses.
  • 在学校校园安全政策声明中指定的任何个人或组织,作为学生和员工应该报告刑事犯罪的个人或组织(校园安全/第九条协调员).


The following non-CSA positions and functions include, but are not limited to:

  • 对课堂以外的学生和校园活动不负责任的教员
  • physicians/nurses in Student Health who only provide care for students
  • clerical or administrative support staff
  • 食堂工作人员
  • facilities maintenance staff
  • information technology staff
  • 持牌心理健康或教牧顾问,在其执照或证书范围内行事
  • roles with like functions listed above

Additional Information and Assistance

Questions about the Clery Act, 这个角色, CSA和/或CSA在线培训的责任应直接交给营地安全协调员.